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Brent Cawood joined our team late 2021 and we’ve all been lining up for a massage!

Brent has over 20 years of experience in massage therapy and was a trainer of massage therapists at the NSW School of Massage Therapy.

Brent will instantly make you feel at home with his easy-going nature and with the use of a combination of remedial and deep tissue techniques that can include trigger points, active release and PNF stretching, you will feel a relief from tired, tight or aching muscles.

The primary focus of his treatment is to reduce pain levels and increase mobility and he is skilled at finding the cause of the problem rather than being satisfied at massaging the symptoms only.

Brent's massage treatments are systematic, thorough and results orientated, checking all muscle groups associated with the problem areas to achieve the long-term results that you are seeking!

This style of massage is particularly good at helping muscular dysfunction, chronic pain, rehabilitation after injury or surgery, athletes, and sports people.

Brent is a hard-worker and has a great sense of humour, he works at the clinic on Tuesday and Thursday’s.

Book early to get your spot!

  • Cert 1V Massage

Brent Cawood